Sunday, October 15, 2023

"Unlock the Power of Data with SQL: Your Roadmap"

Master SQL fundamentals in 10 weeks! Dive into data analysis with our comprehensive course covering everything from basic SQL commands to advanced

SQL Fundamentals for Data Analysts

Course Duration: 10 Weeks (Adjustable as per your preference)

Week 1: Introduction to SQL

- Introduction to Databases

- What is SQL?

- Installing and Setting Up SQL

- Basic SQL Commands (SELECT, FROM, WHERE)

- Sorting and Filtering Data

Week 2: Working with Data

- Retrieving Data with SELECT

- Working with Multiple Tables


- Combining Data (UNION, UNION ALL)

Week 3: Filtering Data

- Using Comparison Operators

- Using Logical Operators

- Using Wildcards (LIKE)

- Filtering NULL Values

Week 4: Aggregating Data

- Introduction to Aggregate Functions (SUM, COUNT, AVG, MAX, MIN)

- GROUP BY Clause

- HAVING Clause

- Subqueries and Nested Queries

Week 5: Data Modification

- Inserting Data (INSERT INTO)

- Updating Data (UPDATE)

- Deleting Data (DELETE)

- Modifying Table Structure (ALTER TABLE)

Week 6: Data Constraints

- Primary Key and Unique Constraints

- Foreign Key Constraints

- Check Constraints

- Default Constraints

Week 7: Data Manipulation

- Working with Dates and Times

- String Functions

- Mathematical Functions

- Conditional Expressions (CASE)

Week 8: Views and Indexes

- Creating Views

- Modifying Views

- Creating Indexes

- Query Optimization

Week 9: Advanced SQL Concepts

- Transactions and Locking

- Stored Procedures

- Triggers

- Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

Week 10: Real-World Applications and Case Studies

- Applying SQL in Data Analysis Projects

- Case Studies and Practical Examples

- Preparing a SQL Project


- Weekly quizzes and assignments (For Practicing important questions message me on Instagram: kunalmahajan_3)

- Final project (a complex SQL data analysis project, For Practicing important questions message me on Instagram: kunalmahajan_3)


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